Cancellation Policy
You will be charged the full price of an already scheduled visit if you do not provide TrailMarkers with your verbal cancellation notice at least 12 hours previous to the time of your scheduled service.
Prices subject to change.
Holiday Charges
TrailMarkers will be adding a $10 charge for each pet care visit on a holiday or a $20 holiday charge for each night of house-sitting on a holiday.
The following are considered holidays:
New Year’s Day, January 1st
Easter Sunday
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day (Thursday)
Day after Thanksgiving (Friday)
Christmas Eve, December 24th
Christmas Day, December 25th
New Year’s Eve, December 31st
Out of Town Care
We provide overnight pet care and house-sitting starting at $100 per night for a one or two dog household. The charge for each additional dog is $25.
While house-sitting, we will provide your pet(s) with overnight care beginning at approximately 8pm and ending at approximately 8am (based on client needs), an afternoon 30 minute check-in visit with walk, feeding, medication application (if needed) and lots of love and play time.
Daily Walks & Pet Care Visits
A 30 minute neighborhood dog walk or cat care visit is $22. There is a $6 charge for each additional 15 minutes. We charge the same rate for households with one dog or with two dogs. Households containing more than two canine family members will be charged an additional $6 per dog that is walked.
An additional $6 per walk fee applies for Saturday and Sunday visits as well as for odd hour visits (8pm – 8am). There is a $6 fee for driving dogs to an off-site location.